Jucy Lucy Burgers

Stuffed crust pizza is a well-known take on the classic Italian meal. Cheese stuffed burgers however? That was a new one for me.  Known as Jucy Lucy burgers, they are a twist on the classic American comfort food, with cheese sandwiched between two thin burger patties.

Find out how to make your own Jucy Lucy burgers at home with this simple recipe …

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Classic Crispy Mac ‘n’ Cheese

With summer well and truly upon us, it’s time to look at another interesting side dish for al fresco cooking and dining. We’d had delicious mac ‘n’ cheese a few times in the USA, so my wife tried to replicate it at home. She excelled herself (as usual), this classic crispy mac ‘n’ cheese beats any we had on t’other side of pond.

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Food Photography at The Cook’s Digest

A food blog can live or die on the quality of the photographs. A blogger could invent the most creative, heavenly meal on the planet, but an out of focus, badly lit shot won’t entice readers in. So I’ve used some simple tricks, low-cost lighting and free software to improve picture quality.

Below are my top five tips on on how we get our pictures looking as good as the food tastes.

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Huckleberry Glazed Chicken Wings

We bought back the idea for awesome salt ‘n’ vinegar chicken wings from the USA. We also came back with some delicious huckleberry BBQ sauce. Well, heck, let’s try making some more chicken wings with a tasty, tangy sweet fruit glaze! This was outstandingly good, it’s now a tough choice as to which would be our go-to wing recipe.

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